: Erika Mann and W. H. Auden. H/t Alan Jacobs

: 🎡 Please send help, I cannot stop listening to Waxahatchee

: Astonishment in the Terrain of the Familiar, by Alastair Gordon, 2022.

: Daniel Walden, in Commonweal: “This is the vein in which this campaign pitches itself: …

: Back from paternity leave to discuss Walker Percy, This Old House, The Smile, and tales of HVAC …

: Currently reading: The Guide to Gethsemane by Emmanuel Falque πŸ“š

: Guy Davenport (left), Cormac McCarthy (right).

: Brad East’s tech-attitude taxonomy. Seems like a pretty good list. I too fall on the 7-8-9 spectrum, …

: Currently reading: Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art by Madeleine L’Engle πŸ“š …

: Currently reading: Signposts in a Strange Land by Walker Percy πŸ“š